How 0 DTE and 45-day Strategies Took This Trader To 24 Mil
Meet the latest active investor in tastylive’s Rising Stars series
Meet the latest active investor in tastylive’s Rising Stars series
The latest active investor in tastylive’s Rising Stars series proves systematic trading repeatable mechanics can transform losses into success
Focusing on options while avoiding single stocks became his winning strategy
Meet an Iowa business owner who transitioned from John Deere engineer to consistent options trader specializing in covered calls on ETFs
He can work anywhere with his systematic trading approach to portfolio techniques, position-sizing and risk management
He shows how his ”$1 per day” rule helped him string together 12 straight profitable months without a single four-figure loss
How 0 DTE made this Uber driver $1.5 million
Whether you’re celebrating democracy or eulogizing it, tequila can help
Using tasty mechanics reduces risk and attracts luck, and then we really get rolling when the VIX passes 50
The idea that volatility is often overpriced and fear is inflated gave me the edge I needed