Who Reads Luckbox?
We’re pretty sure Luckbox readers are optimistic and active self-directed investors. But we wanted to know more.
We’re pretty sure Luckbox readers are optimistic and active self-directed investors. But we wanted to know more.
Steamboat Willie, an early version of Disney’s Mickey Mouse, has entered the public domain. Look for the character to star in everything from horror movies to porno films.
Ask the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Either through luck or subterfuge, stats can “prove” a thesis that’s simply not true as illustrated in this behind-the-scenes look at how a retail investment fund was inappropriately marketed to unsuspecting investors. The lesson? Data is not evidence: It may be the result of data mining.
The books that captured
our attention this issue.
This puzzle broke the internet
Analyst highlights from the Seeking Alpha site for financial news and opinion
Luckbox has been around only four years, but the editorial team and contributors draw upon decades of trading, financial and editorial experience to report on emerging investment and cultural trends. We’ve seen a lot—from the stock market bubble of the ‘80s to the dot-com bubble of the ‘90s and the housing bubble at the turn … Continued
Billionaire Mark Cuban wants to pull the pharmaceutical industry up by the roots and plant something new. In the next issue, Luckbox leans in with Cuban for details on how his new online marketplace called Cost Plus Drugs Company plans to offer prescription drugs at transparent prices lower than most retail pharmacies and even most … Continued
History suggests the convergence of a recession (yes, we’re in one) and inflation (no, it’s not transitory) and Fed tightening (six hikes so far this year, 3.75% in all) typically results in higher volatility and directionless markets for the foreseeable future. That’s not optimal for passive investors. But the next Luckbox will provide some relief … Continued