The Pandemic, Immunity and the Long Game to Longevity

Living to a healthy old age is within reach but requires respect for scientific findings and adherence to good habits, according to a socially-distanced panel of Luckbox contributors  What can people do in the short term to boost their immune systems to resist COVID-19? Aubrey de Grey: People would like to have some kind of … Continued

How Not to Die

Combining proper diet, regular exercise and a fitting environment can make life beautiful. Research proves that nearly anyone can achieve happiness, good health and a stronger immune system, regardless of age. This special section shows how. Many Americans feel doomed—but doomed by their own unique circumstances, not just by the coronavirus. They dread their daily … Continued

Living Well Beyond 100 Years

The means for living a millennium seem within reach, says a pioneer of radical approaches to good health. The first people to live for a thousand years may already have been born, according to English biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey. They’ll thrive for a millennium, he maintains, because scientists are developing medical advances will that … Continued

Beneath the Deep Web: The Darknet

Everything evil proliferates in the mostly inaccessible outer reaches of the internet. Call it the darknet and don’t confuse it with the deep web. Popular search engines—such as Google, Bing and Yahoo—tap into only a sliver of the information that resides on the internet–perhaps as little as 4%. That’s called the “surface web,” and it’s … Continued

One Child Nation

The film One Child Nation brilliantly documents a 35-year human tragedy. The Chinese Communist Party decreed in 1979 that families could have only one child, setting in motion a retinue of horrors that included mind-numbing propaganda, forced abortion, mandatory sterilization, exploitative adoption and lifelong feelings of abandonment. The narrative builds slowly, beginning with an interview … Continued

The Dragon that Stalks the West

As democracies look the other way, China is exporting the surveillance, censorship, social control and genocide it perpetrates within its own borders An activity as mundane as an English class can arouse the suspicion of  the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). That’s why the authorities routinely show up in classrooms to check students’ ID cards. Almost … Continued

China’s Stealth War

China is investing billions to hold sway in Third World countries, perfecting and exporting surveillance technology, and brutally persecuting its citizens at home and abroad—all in a bid to become the next global superpower. This special section of Luckbox explores the growing China threat. When Deng Xiaoping rose to power in 1978, the Chinese Communist … Continued

The Dragon that Stalks the West

As democracies look the other way, China is exporting the surveillance, censorship, social control and genocide it perpetrates within its own borders An activity as mundane as an English class can arouse the suspicion of  the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). That’s why the authorities routinely show up in classrooms to check students’ ID cards. Almost … Continued

Fakery and the Authentication Economy

Business is booming for companies that identify and combat bogus news stories, doctored videos and counterfeit goods Fakery permeates life in the 21st century. On every continent but Antarctica, humans and smart machines are laboring around the clock to churn out falsehoods. They’re lying to gain unfair political advantage, peddle bogus merchandise, sabotage competing businesses, … Continued

The Side Hustle Century

Tens of millions of American workers have had a second job—usually to help pay the bills but sometimes to fuel a passion or scratch an itch. Their extra-curricular activities tend to fall into one of two categories. When an employer sets the hours and determines the pay, it’s a part-time job that’s sometimes known as “moonlighting.” … Continued