Seeking Diversity

Rather than seeking to predict the next big thing, consider buying any of these 20 tickers to diversify a portfolio in the new year When all of the stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on a portfolio page are colored either green for profit or red for loss, those holdings aren’t diversified. But diversification is worth … Continued

What’s going on with the market?

Take a look at the major indices (SPY, IWM, QQQ) and the equity sectors. Discretionary (XLY) is down the most over the past month, while Health Care (XLV), Real Estate (XLRE), Staples (XLP), and Utilities (XLU) are up. See below for more information.   VIX Futures Curve Curve is up in the back months more … Continued

12 of the Most Boring Stocks

Traders are not a monolithic group. Some have a high risk tolerance, while others are more risk averse. Those with higher risk tolerance would probably prefer to trade TSLA, while those that are more risk averse would lean toward XLU. Here are 12 of the most “boring” stocks and ETFs as measured by a combination … Continued

Yields and Historical Volatilities

Yields Below, check out the 2-, 5-,10-, 20-, and the 30-year Treasury yield to maturity. To see how the yields have changed, look at the different color lines. The 30-year yield hasn’t changed much from one year ago—moving from 1.7% to 1.8%. But on the short end, it has changed quite considerably, moving from 0.20% … Continued

Sizing Futures and Holiday Movement

Futures sizes? We got the hook up for you! Don’t trade without knowing the true size. That said, futures are extremely capital efficient. Black Swan Black Fridays Most traders anticipated last Friday would be a non-event given the holiday weekend and shortened market hours. However, the market surprised everyone and the S&P dropped 2.3%. We … Continued

Smart Inflation Hedges

Looking to take the sting out of an investment’s shrinking value? Ethereum and bitcoin have been anything but stable. Think gold.  Is cryptocurrency the new inflationary hedge? Not for anyone who worries about a 5% drop in purchasing power. Ethereum has had losses that big roughly once every two weeks (or 10% of the time). … Continued

Straddle Up

When you’re expecting a big price move but aren’t certain of the direction  Implied volatility is one of the most useful metrics to consider when looking at a stock’s movement. Symbols with higher implied volatility have higher expected movements, and higher expected movements translate into more expensive options prices. For a real-world example of the … Continued

Index Breakdowns and Implied Volatilities

The S&P 500’s Expected Move From now until the end of the year the S&P 500 is projected to move somewhere around ±6%. This is the theoretical expected price range as calculated from the option prices. In other words, at the end of the year, the prices are expected to fall within +6% or -6% … Continued

Recent Earnings Moves and a Cheaper Gold Alternative

Earning season so far Fifty-one percent of symbols were positive after the release of recent earnings. Below are the stocks with the biggest shocks this season. Looking for a lower priced gold? Check out IAU. The liquidity is not quite as good as GLD—but it is still decent and the lower prices can make it … Continued