In 2022, Lunar Vacation was touring the U.S. as headliners celebrating the release of their debut album Inside Every Fig is a Dead Wasp, which came out in October 2021. But the day of the Atlanta-based band’s Chicago show at Lincoln Hall, the band announced they could not perform because lead vocalist Gep Repasky hit her head and sustained a minor concussion.  

As I waited in the merch line to grab a limited-edition Pabst Blue Ribbon x Lunar Vacation collab shirt at The Vic Theatre on July 24, I heard each person walk up to the merch table to tell Repasky and guitarist Maggie Geeslin the following: “I tried to see you in 2022!” To which they both nodded and laughed simultaneously, “Ah, yes, the concussion.”  

Listening to a band for nearly 10 years without seeing them live is strange—at least for me. And the same sentiment was echoed by fans who came to the band’s opening gig for Australian-based band Vacations in Chicago. Lunar Vacation is slated to play four more shows with Vacations this month, followed by a handful of show dates with Manchester Orchestra and Thrice, starting in November.  

Lunar Vacation
Gep Repasky of Lunar Vacation at The Vic Theatre in Chicago on July 24, 2024. Photo by Kendall Polidori

Though the sound at The Vic Theatre wasn’t amazing—the speakers produced a fuzzy, drowned out sound—it was moving to hear these songs live after loving them since I was 18 years old. The five-piece band, who all share a house together in Atlanta, offer sprawling, dreamy shoegaze tunes. Their music is meant to sound a bit fuzzy, the guitars softly overlaying the vocals, but they deserved better sound treatment on-site. It also might have been the effect of playing a polished and meticulously produced album live.  

Lunar Vacation opened for Vacations at The Vic Theatre in Chicago on July 24, 2024. Photo by Kendall Polidori

The band’s sophomore album, Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire, is set to be released Sept. 13, and it’s the product of organic experimentation. With their new music, including their latest singles, Sick and Set the Stage, they decide to embrace the mistakes, opting for a more indie alt-rock sound instead of polished indie pop-rock.  

Repasky’s songwriting is playful and ordinary at the same time. When listening, you can easily follow along and then get lost in the sound, swept up in a fit of swaying. Lunar Vacation is delicately fun, experimental and whole-heartedly DIY—they worked their own merch table at the show immediately after finishing their set. In 2021, I interviewed designer Leo Hurton, who brought the band’s vision to life for their debut album cover. The indie group collaborates with friends and maintains a hands-on approach, which enables them to create work that is wholly theirs.  

Keep up with the band, their tour dates and upcoming album release here.  

Start with Lunar Vacation’s song Where is Everyone? And you’ll get a good feel for the band’s dreamy guitar dynamics, met with glossy melodies.  

Pay attention to the song’s introduction. Right out of the gate, the band reels listeners in with an abrupt and immediate groovy guitar riff.  

Kendall Polidori is The RockhoundLuckbox’s resident rock critic. Follow her reviews on Instagram and X @rockhoundlb, TikTok @rockhoundkp