Bulls, Bears & Agnostics
By Tom Preston
Which party will control the White House and Congress? The dirty little secret is the markets really couldn’t care less.

You know Xi Jinping? General Secretary of the Communist Party of China? Dictator for life? Crusher of protests? Look at his picture. If you didn’t know anything about the guy, tell me he couldn’t be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. He has that bland, somewhere north of middle-age stolidity of most of America’s corporate leaders. Why do I bring up a Marxist dictator in a magazine about the election of 2020? I’ll get to that.
But first, the markets.
Think about this: Whoever wins the election, the market doesn’t care—at least longterm. Let’s look at some basic data. Going back to the end of 1964, when...
The Normal Deviate
Probability Matters
By Tom Preston
|Get serious about investing by attaching a numerical probability to every trade It’s fun to speculate about cultural, political or economic events that might happen in 2023. But when it… -
Margin of Error Matters
By Tom Preston
|Voters can interpret the true meaning of a poll if they understand the importance of the margin of error, confidence interval and sample size. A poll’s margin of error can… -
Probability Reigns
By Tom Preston
|Unless we know the chances they’ll come true, predictions mean almost nothing The new year brings resolutions and predictions. Spend time with friends or family in late December or the… -
Watch These 3 Inflation Indicators
By Tom Preston
|I remember seeing the “WIN” buttons when I was a kid and having my parents explain inflation to me. The buttons, distributed at the behest of President Gerald Ford in 1974,… -
Trading Digital Currency’s Volatility
By Tom Preston
|Trading Digital Currency’s Volatility Volatility. Without it, the world would be pretty dull. It’s what makes cryptocurrencies so appealing to traders and so frightening to regulators. Dramatic price swings—both up… -
Trading with a Casino’s Edge
By Tom Preston
|Active investing isn’t gambling for traders who know the odds When someone’s interested in options trading but doesn’t know quite how to approach it, ask a question that provides context… -
Amazon Primed
By Tom Preston
|Public enemy No. 1, or Wall Street hero? Either way, odds say Amazon will dominate competitors for a long time to come. Consider the great accomplishments of humankind—harnessing fire, inventing… -
Volatile SPACs: Welcome
By Tom Preston
|As low-cap stocks, SPACs have built-in volatility. That’s a good thing. During the past year, special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) have grown in popularity, not only because they finance companies… -
Beware of These Two Mental Traps
By Tom Preston
|What can we learn from the possibility of alien life or the idea that we live in a massive simulation? If someone wanted to make the Hawaiian language a larger… -
The Smartest Guys in the Trade
By Tom Preston
|Traders don’t need the highest IQ in the room—they can succeed with discipline, quick calculations, confident decisions and a little online help People are sensitive about IQ. It’s a metric… -
Counting on Volatility
By Tom Preston
|Scientists can only guess when the next pandemic or earthquake will strike, but with the help of volatility traders can quantifiably predict stock prices The year 2020 will be remembered… -
Stocks That Rock
By Yesi D
|Want to make a living from music? Put down the guitar and start picking music-related equities. As AC/DC said, it’s a long way to the top if you want to… -
Home Economics
By Tom Preston
|Even when it comes to a house, active investors don’t have to be passive Sitting down? Good. At home? Even better. Because beneath you lies your biggest single investment. Or… -
When Models Fail
By Tom Preston
|Models aren’t just for pricing options—they can (sometimes) predict the spread and mortality of a pandemic. Just keep expectations in check. Models, by definition, are not precise and, inevitably, the… -
Testing Vaccines and Trading Strategies
By Tom Preston
|Yes, active investment strategy has a lot in common with testing vaccines As though real-life were imitating a medical drama, COVID-19 is providing a glimpse into vaccine development. Testing a… -
Forget the Darknet
By Tom Preston
|The markets can provide the excitement active investors want—without risk of prison time Ah, the so-called darknet. The Wild West of the internet. Where anonymity—or as close as anyone outside… -
Day Trading in China
By Tom Preston
|Even in a communist country, people like to make money The Chinese began gambling at least 4,000 years ago, and they’ve made it a tradition ever since. It’s the reason… -
Options Trading: An Antidote for Division
By Tom Preston
|Smart options traders know that life—and markets—aren’t zero-sum games Trading can bring the country back together. That’s right. Trading. Anyone can see all the anger out there. Over politics, culture,… -
Volatility: Trading’s Best Crystal Ball
By Tom Preston
|Volatility provides a clue about what the future may hold for a stock Long-term stock trader? Short-term options trader? Medium-term money machine? No matter how an investor plans to extract… -
Auto Industry Autopsy
By Tom Preston
|If the average age of a car on the road increases 15% every 10 years, half a century from now the average car would be 23 years old and might…