Who Reads Luckbox?
We’re pretty sure Luckbox readers are optimistic and active self-directed investors. But we wanted to know more.
We’re pretty sure Luckbox readers are optimistic and active self-directed investors. But we wanted to know more.
The following data was collected from readers during the month of November 2024.
What’s the average annual income for Luckbox readers?
The largest group of Luckbox readers, some 35%, earned an annual household income of $100,000 to $250,000. Close behind came $50,000 to $100,000 at 29%. Another 22% make $250,000 to $500,000 annually, while 8% make less than $50,000 and 6% make $500,000+.
How do they view America’s near-term outlook?
In October, Luckbox conducted a survey ahead of the presidential election and found readers were overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the state of the nation. But now, nearly half of readers, 49%, are feeling somewhat optimistic about America’s direction, with 17% very optimistic. Some (20%) are neutral, while 11% are somewhat pessimistic and only 3% are very pessimistic.
How do readers rate their own financial experience and literacy?
More than half (66%) consider their financial experience and literacy above average, and 23% rated themselves as average. About 8% of readers identify as professional, and only 3% feel they’re below average.
How much of their income do readers derive from the financial markets?
Nearly half (49%) of Luckbox readers indicate the financial markets generally provide their second-largest source of annual income. A total of 20% rely on financial markets as their primary source of income.
How often do readers trade equities?
They buy or sell multiple times a day (30%) or several days a week (30%). But 13% trade at least once a day, and another 13% trade at least once a month.
Which securities do readers trade or invest in the most? (Ranked)
- Options – 91%
- Equities – 87%
- ETFs – 85%
- Cryptocurrencies – 41%
- Futures – 38%
- Leveraged ETFs – 32%
- Fixed Income – 28%
- Short Selling – 17%
- Forex – 11%
- Binary Options – 1%
How many brokerage firms do readers’ immediate families have accounts with?
Nearly half of readers (42%) and their immediate family members have accounts with two brokerage firms, 20% have one account, 20% have three accounts, and 18% have accounts with four or more firms.
Which brokers do readers have active accounts with? (Ranked)
- tastytrade – 58%
- Charles Schwab – 54%
- Fidelity – 32%
What type of investors are Luckbox readers?
The largest group of readers (35%) are very active traders and/or investors, while 27% rate themselves as generally active. About 34% are somewhat active, while only 4% consider themselves passive investors.
Do Luckbox readers watch the tastylive network?
Yes – 87%
No – 13%